Alan Low Acting,Movie,Short Film The Last Samurai in London (Short film)

The Last Samurai in London (Short film)

The Last Samurai in London (Short film) post thumbnail image
'It was a great pleasure to work with Alan Low on our latest project, The Last Samurai In London. Throughout our shoot, in difficult conditions, Alan maintained a really positive and creative approach and he worked very hard for the team.

We are very pleased with Alan's performance as The Samurai. He brought to the character a great sense of strength and nobility, whilst also being aware of the comic possibilities of the role.

We would not hesitate to work with Alan again in the future.'

Reviewed by Jeremy Joyce & Masashi Nagai, iino production'

企画は、ロンドンの魅力的なロケーションを紹介する映像をつくろう、というところから­スタートしました。でも、ただ単にロケーションを紹介してもつまらなそう、という思い­があって、悩むこと数週間。。。。我々に下りてきたのは「サムライ」でした! 新旧が混在するロンドンの街にサムライが登場するというミスマッチをお楽しみにいただ­ければと思います。映像からは分かりにくいかもしれませんが、撮影は真冬のまっただ中­でしたので、ものすごく寒かったです!By Masashi Nagai

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Alan Low, Chinese actor and voice artist were trained in London, now located in Kuala Lumpur. As a professional actor and voice artist, have been involved in TV Drama, films